loladavitaeggenberge (14 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply She was so beautiful! I always loved her long big hair. That look is so much sexier and flattering than todays boring super straight hair.
MyleneDemongeot2 (5 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply SHE IS UNIQUE , DIVINE
brigittebardot2007 (6 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply Toi, tu étais pour moi tout
Ce que j'espérais
Toi tu étais ma vie et même un peu plus
Tu étais l'amour

C'est un jour comme un autre
Et pourtant tu t'en vas
Tu t'en vas vers une autre
Sans me dire un seul mot
Et je ne comprends pas

C'est un jour comme un autre
Mais moi j'ai mal de toi
Moi qui riais des autres aujourd'hui c'est vous deux qui devez rire de moi
Frenchwhorebardot (1 week ago) Show Hide Marked as spam -3 Reply I hate faggots,they spread disease.I checked your profile once,but ur picture scared me to badly.I told you I will not look at any fake picture you put out about me,lol,you are so jealous,you want to live lme,but sorry,only some peoples dreams come true,stick to hanging with the fags.
MyleneDemongeot2 (6 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply Please commence your sentences with a capital letter, use commas and apostrophes and stop uttering silly threats about non-existent friends. Rosaria, please get medical help. You need it.
ROSARIODIAZ1 (1 week ago) Show Hide Marked as spam -4 Reply honey i dont want to be anybody like you do , you always said you are tall , skinny and beautiful but you picture show a miserable fat and ugly trailer trash
Frenchwhorebardot (1 week ago) Show Hide Marked as spam -5 Reply You are really boring me today,you have run out of things to say?!The only thing you say is what I already say to you,oh,and the trailer,lol,how old is that.Think up something new,and original.You must want to be me badly,you say everything I already said to you.
SYLVAKOSCINA (5 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply Please commence your sentences with a capital letter, use commas and apostrophes and stop uttering silly threats about non-existent friends. alicia, please get medical help. You need it.
aliciaflirt (1 week ago) Show Hide Marked as spam -2 Reply Did Brigitte live in a trailer when she gave everyone lice on the set of"Et Dieu Crea La Femme"?She must have!Hahahahaha!Maybe when she gave Serge the crabs,lol.I have done my research,you worship an infested idol.Ha!Stupid,fake French whore!ENCA!!!
SYLVAKOSCINA (5 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 Reply you are the one living a trailer i know is hard but its your live bitch

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