結果聊起來 還滿過癮的耶…

想當初 我們都刺來刺去的

我說你是player 你說your computer is sick



嗯 你我都長大了不少

you have my condolences

it happens with age...hope you feel better soon

I don't want to chat with too many people...i want to go to bed early


yeah, one of the great sacrifices of that plan

any plans to go back to school?  go live abroad?

when is that going to happen?

where are you going to go to?

well, that can be good...interesting

if it's too predictable, it can be boring

Canada?  you know it's cold, right? 

yeah, you're pretty tough

i have a pretty standard routine...work, music, exercise, study

i have a back injury i'm trying to fix

that's my latest challenge

aside from that, nothing too wild

hmmm....that's about it.  work, play,

trying to be all zen...find true happiness i guess

yeah, seem to have lost my way a bit

my goal is a quieter mind

i was standing on a mountain yesterday,
and the sun was shining down,
and i was sitting in a small temple on the side of a mountain,
looking down at a waterfall, and it was really amazing

felt calm

haven't felt that way in a while...
used to feel that way a lot when i was younger,
doing martial arts, being healthy

want to find that feeling in daily life

know what i mean?

i've thought about the monk path too....but i'm not ready for it

not sure if that's my purpose in life

i found this drumming group's practice area: http://www.utheatre.org.tw/

that's where i was when i was walking...

right person

anyway, it was good to get out of the city into the mountains, and to find something like that was neat

thx....i will try

well, i didn't realize it was so late already...i'm going to get ready for bed....

it was good to talk to you again

i hope you feel better soon....deep breathing

if the weather warms up, i'd recommend a walk in the mountains to clear your mind

看! 兩個成熟的大人在講話



以前全天下最幼稚的兩個人 竟然現在可以聊得如此安穩

這幾天 一定有下紅雨

我怎麼看 都覺得好順呀

不錯不錯  有進步


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