Dear friends:
I am almost done my jobs today.

I went to the McDonald's meeting Mr. Chien-Min and exchanging our applying experiences.Also, I played a fake interviewer and tried to ask him several strange but useful questions that may be asked tomorrow from USC. There was a interesting little accident before we met. Because I forgot bringing my cellphone, I couldn't pick anyone's call today. Thanks god, Chien-Min is such a gentle and word-keeping man; consequently we could meet successfully in the end. 
After we met, I went to APEX to get the new schedule of teachers. Then I went to my advicer's office to discuss my final essay--Johns Hopkins' Ha Ha. I made it. I really love those who always support me wholeheartedly and without any whinning. I love you guys. Indeed.
Because of you, I do live in a better world no matter where I am.

I also had a good classtime with my lovely students. They are like angels to me. Always make me laugh out loud. I am convienced that I'm really fit to be a teacher. My students and I had a fun time.

Back to home. I went to my mentor's blog and asked some questions. I just missed the day he had answered on. It seems that I have to wait until next week... Anyway, I hope everone is enjoying their daily life. 

Good to see you today, buddy. 

Hope your USC interview will go swimmingly tomorrow.
Ya! I look forward to hearing from your good news.


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