哎… 你那麼好的在幫我
你還怕我填錯格子 還一直提醒我不要填到 weights....
> 考試跟作業真的會把我逼急了
Chapter 10 Pg. 612 # 10.72
Results for: EX10_072.MTP
Regression Analysis: Size versus Year
The regression equation is
Size = - 2600 + 1.32 Year
But I want to use
Size = -2600+ 1.3218 Year (more accurate)
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant -2600.2 306.0 -8.50 0.000
Year 1.3218 0.1532 8.63 0.000
S = 1.39126 R-Sq = 90.3% R-Sq(adj) = 89.1%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 144.14 144.14 74.47 0.000
Residual Error 8 15.48 1.94
Total 9 159.63
Unusual Observations
Obs Year Size Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid
7 1999 44.800 42.093 0.496 2.707 2.08R
R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.
Predicted Values for New Observations
Obs Fit SE Fit 95% CI 95% PI
1 47.380 0.950 (45.188, 49.572) (43.495, 51.265)
Values of Predictors for New Observations
Obs Year
1 2003
The regression equation is
Size = - 2600 + 1.32 Year
But I want to use
Size = -2600+ 1.3218 Year (more accurate)
Prediction interval
95% PI = (43.495, 51.265)
The estimate of the grocery store size is between 43.495 to 51.265.
The median grocery store size in 2003 is
-2600+ 1.3218 * 2003 = 47.5654
I think the answer I computed in part a is a good prediction because R-Sq = 90.3% which means that it predict 90.3% of the changing of the grocery store’s surface area. Name: Ying-Ju (Rebecca) Chen
D NO. 260371883
Assignment # 2
Chapter 8 Pg.529 #8.102
Ho: P1=P2
Ha: P1≠P2
哈哈哈 現在是凌晨 4點22分
我想… 我念完mba 肝也爆了…
小瑞貝卡 竟然做得出這種東西 而且還是用英文 真是太佩服我自己了
Test and CI for Two Proportions
Sample X N Sample p
1 79 1710 0.046199
2 148 3429 0.043161 Estimate for difference: 0.00303756
95% CI for difference: (-0.00901464, 0.0150898)
Test for difference = 0 (vs not = 0): Z = 0.49 P-Value = 0.621
The P-Value =0.621>α=0.05
We fail to reject Ho at α=0.05 level.
We report that 4.6% of British non-aspirin takers are dying on cardiovascular disease and 4.3% of British aspirin takers are dying on cardiovascular disease.
Conclusions of the two studies:
The two studies have totally different results.
The British one has the result with no difference; however, the American one has strongly difference statistically. There are three reasons may case this opposite result.
Firstly, sample size- The American group has larger sample size which means that once the sample is large, it would bring more accurate statistic result.
Secondly, the frequency of aspirin taking is dissimilar-- British aspirin takers take aspirin daily while American aspirin takers take aspirin every other day.
Thirdly, others factors- even taking aspirin may cause heart disease, it may decrease some other diseases breaking out. We can’t exclude this possibility.
Difference = p (1) - p (2)