This guy is from my TQM class and he is a very good guy!

We have so many problems with the assignment and he always is so patient to teach us no matter how stupid questions we have!

I can still remember he told me about his job which was so hilarious and made me laugh out loud!   I was curious about what does he do.... so I asked him...

François, what do you do ? asked by Rebecca

He answered, " I work for METRO as a meat factory supervisor, do you know Metro?"

Thanks for Jin Jin... I knew the Metro supermarket in Montreal.. hahahaha

I said, WOW  is your job fun?

He said, HMM... good

I asked him, do your employee have strong union?

He said, oh... yes.. they are very strong and have very very strong union.
I laughed and kept asking...   How do you say so?

He said, They flight a lot....They hate boss and they also hate each other.. Black hate white... white hate black as well....



The way he expressed the truth was really funny... I kept asking...

Do you buy them drinks?

He said.. no... why??

I said, maybe if you buy them drinks or hang out with them.. they are more likely to listen to you.

He said, OH... They are not controllable... they are like kindergarten kids....

AND THEN... WE needed to go back to class.. and ended the conversation..
but it was so funny to hear this...

I can still remember that he really like my rice cakes...


Ok!! Today...

After he taught Su jin TQM...

I wanted to take picture with him... so I asked him.. can I take picture with you?

He wasn't sure that I was asking him taking picture.. and after he made sure..

He is really willing to take picture with me...

hhahaha happy

but I heard he murmured that well, I am not very handsome.....

I heard this, but I pretended I didn't catch...

In my mind, I don't care if you are good looking or not... as long as you have a good heart!   Then, you are a very very good looking guy!

Actually, I think he is good looking..... really!!! I have no idea he said that....

I am really happy took picture with him~~

so happy

He is really really a good man.....

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