If you have time please listen to this song carefully....it's a good song My dear asked me to do this...

ok........and I will keep torture others

haha here are the people you have to do this...

1 vicky

2 Irene(Both of you)

3 Phoebe

4 Joanne

5 Candice

6 Queena

7 Amelia

8 Pagliacci

9 Rrvf

10 Laneylan


Now I can start write what soul mate I want.....

First of all, Caucasian

Sorry... I know it's romantic but it's the only way to satisfied my [Interracial Baby] dream.

secondly, Dimples

He must have two dimples on his face. sorry again...it's for my baby.

Thirdly, Poet on a motorcycle

Hopely,he is not only wild in bed.

Then, Trustworthy

No trust means no love

Moreover, Responsible

I really need this.

He couldn't be someone with no shoulders.

And, Love me wholehearted

He must have intention.

Also, Hand holder

Ha Ha I love take walk.

Finally and also the most important thins is Good Kisser.

Enjoy... every kiss.


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