I am playing hard during the final period...

the closer final coming...

the less mood for me to read and type anything for my papers..


one more assignment, then I am done.

so glad that I have jin with me at mcgill 
so that when i am so so so stressed...

i have someone to relay on and take pictures with


this is the way we just developed this semester...

when we are too stressed... we start taking pictures...




just want to live in pictures' world!!!!

Even though there are so so so many things that could kill us...

but we don't mind

just finish them slowly... one day

we are going to finish on our own...

i love my owls..
i bought them from taiwan hsindian... and they are really cute and friendly

they hold their hand together

just love love love them so much

everytime when i wear them... my mba classmates always say, rebecca you are so so so cute...


so happy to hear this. 


after our exam and in order to have so fun 

we go to ktv near our school

it was opened by chinese and we really had a good time


and we got free drinks because i am taiwanese

so touched


i totally forgot what i was saying 


that day was so so so crazy...

after our work done..

we went to kate's home and drink and talk 

what a lovely day


one of my favorite people from my mba

he is Jeffery 

and he is a very good and sweet guy

and very very good dancer as well

just love my mba so much


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