
不錯嘛~ 說來接就來接

時間也沒橋好 我也還在安排大家的計程車

你就出發了 真棒 我好喜歡…

等到我忙完了大家的事 才看到你打了好幾通電話給我

sorry吼 我沒有接到 我在忙…

趕快出去找你 連外套都沒穿好 你看我有多忙 都趕

看到了你 只覺得 累累有點兒飛飛了 飄飄然的

呵呵 現在只要看到你 就會聯想到 飄飄然…

沒辦法 誰叫你的音樂都是這種調調…

超快把外套穿好 冷死我了…

半夜二點的冷空氣+我的洋裝 準讓我感冒

壓力來了壓力來了 只要你一體貼 我整個就會爆走

肚子餓不餓 我帶妳去吃東西?

啥? 我想睡覺啦 前晚才睡六個小時 早上上班 晚上上課 晚晚上衝9%


還要吃東西哦 拿食物的力氣都沒了


問題是 二點 是要去那吃啦?

… 抱歉… 只有麥當當

好啦好啦 就去啦


嗯 回家了

My favorite [chair]

I can hear the strong and delightful heart beat...

I rally enjoy sitting on the [ chair ] which belongs to me.

The music is our favorite... you are considerate... i like it.

i was too tired to speak...

i knew we practiced while we walking down the street,but when you

told me something particular words... i couldn't lower down my voice.

you arrogant!

I didn't expect that i would tell you everything...

hope it won't shock that much....

make sense? right?

i know myself well.... if it happens... it will be forever and ever!

see ~ i told you !

first! you force me to listen to you ....

cute, work hard, miss you, stimulate me, complicated, make me laugh, enjoy hanging out.......

the cute is not taiwanese typical explenation.

there are some more information implied in it.

and i found out today.

i love the brown eyes rather than the purple eyes.

hmm... i know~ you mention it more than once.

still embarrassed....

you asked...come on how long have you known me ?

i answered... more than one year....

but still ............


never mind

i am smart and i learn fast.

practice makes perfect!

good .... and i am sure that i will!

i am old enough and it's time to .....


tired... sleep...

so comfortable.......

delightfully pretty or dainty.
characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often
a sense of the practical.

esp of something or someone small or young charming and attractive!

    創作者 RuRuCat 的頭像


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